
Exciting news

Dear All,

I hope you are transitioning as smoothly as you can into the more wintery season.What a powerful full moon and eclipse we had in the night!

As the world seems to get more and more bonkers each day, well at least on the surface, one has to be disciplined in making conscious choices regarding what to put one’s energy into and how to spend one’s precious time.

Is what I am doing, thinking, believing nourishing? Is it depleting? Have I given my inner power away or am I surrendering to a higher level of flow, focus and fierceness?

Am I shrinking or puffing myself up? ( both clever coping mechanism). Or am I standing in my truth and authenticity?

Am I responding with kindness in my heart towards myself, towards others and towards Mother Earth or seeing and relating through the lens of fear and judgement?

Am I leaving room for play, exploration, wonder and magic or being driven by the illusion that filling my time with doing doing doing will give me the feeling of being enough and worthy of love, of joy – forgetting that just being me makes me worthy of love.

I have come to the conclusion that a lot of this comes down to how aware I am and how connected am I, in this moment, to myself, nature and the universe?

So apart from a lot of reflecting and journaling, as always haha, one of the things I have been doing, after getting the nudge from spirit that now was the time, is to create various offerings for you and to present them to you online on a pretty page – because I like pretty pages!

After finishing running the voice programme I created and led, I started working behind the scenes on this project. As a result, exciting shifts have been made on this platform. You can now find a page called Offerings with some delicious options, bundles and opportunities to work with me if your soul is so called to.

I am here, available, to walk part of the journey with you.

Do go and check out the page. It even has buttons on it and a calendar to book a free chat with me if you have any questions.

I hope you will enjoy navigating through them.

Feel free to tell your friends and share the link to my website.

The light always shines somewhere…

With tons of love, as always,

Natacha x

videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Finding HOME amongst the chaos ✯

As the energies are reaching some very intense peaks at the moment, many hearts are hurting, minds are confused, spirits are low and bodies tired. There is so much to say and yet no words seem to grasp the essence and mysteries of what is really going on around the world and even in the universe.

We have been in lockdown for quite a while now. This is giving us the opportunity to tune in, redefine, reassess, reprioritise. It is also bringing forward a lot of questions and uncertainties regarding how we can transition into a safe space for all and also, how we can move towards a healthier and more harmonious way of being and living.

There is no going back. And yet how do we reenter the world with more integrity, respect and humility than we had before? How can we move with more grace, courage and an open heart?

Each person needs to find their own way of standing up for their beliefs, for justice, for a fairer world.

Racist behaviour is not OK. And… shaming others for the way they respond to these events is not OK either. There is a need for personal responsibility that is undeniable but going into division over this is the exact opposite of the medicine we need at the moment.

Blaming has never healed anything, just as responding to violence by more violence is a lost cause.

If we could all stand strong in our integrity, with fierce values, then we may find harmonious ways of rebuilding the beautiful rainbow we were created to make up together. This will not happen by pointing fingers and believing that our way of fighting, dealing with, standing up for, is better than someone else’s. We must speak up, fully embody the warrior we are meant to be and let others find their way, their fight, their battlefield.

Someone else’s battlefield may look very different from yours. This does not mean that they are not fighting the same demons for the same values as you are.

Make a wish for Mother Earth and all living beings…

Fear is growing, without an inch of doubt. We, as a human species, are facing one of the biggest challenges of all times: to either give in to fear or to rise with love. This may seem airy fairy. Yet, I know with my whole heart that the choice we make in this regard is of crucial importance.

Do we want to live in fear or do we want to live in love?

How do we proceed when there are so many strong contradictions, conflicting opinions and distorted bits of information out there?

By going inward first.

By learning to be quiet enough to hear our heart’s whispers and soul’s guidance.

Tuning back in, just like an old radio that needs fine adjustments to be heard clearly.

We are all heavily bombarded with information and stimuli of all types. Our minds are saturated. They need decluttering and spring cleans on a regular basis in order to function. YOU are the only one who can do this for yourself. Yes, you can get help, but you must take responsibility and be disciplined about this.

Practise and commit.

Show up for yourself first. This will allow you to show up for others and the world with no hidden agenda or bypassing.

I strongly believe that the biggest disease of our time is:


disconnection from self,

disconnection from the earth,

disconnection from spirit and,

disconnection from our fellow beings.

Disconnection is without doubt the root of most harmful decisions


destructive behaviours.

We can all start by reconnecting with and to ourselves.

This is the foundation.

What do we need to unlearn in order to remember the connection we’ve been carrying within ourselves from way before birth? How do we need to listen to find the door to our own wisdom?

Isn’t it ironic that we are in a situation in which we are of having to social distance. No cozy meetings, no touch, no hugs, nothing… when the need to build connection is the greatest it’s ever been.

We must, more than ever, start honouring the life within and around us, work and commit to being present in this moment.

Again, this may seem cliché; but NOW, is the only time that really exists, it is the only time in which you can take action, step into who you truly are and what you have come here for.

Pay attention.

Stay awake.

Use your senses.

Find joy in small things.

There is always an invitation to enter the realm of magic with gratitude and reverence for life .

Your soul does not call you yesterday or tomorrow.

It only connects and converses with you in THIS very moment.

You are alive in this very moment, not yesterday nor tomorrow.

What truly matters to you?

Start being ruthlessly honest with yourself.

What makes you feel alive?

Do the inner work.

Be gentle and bold.

Be mindful and focused.

There is no time to lose.

I made a little video of me reading an extract from my book ‘Letters from the Wound’ for an online Literature Festival during lockdown, with some original footage from various places I have been and love. I hope it will help you come back home ? (click on video to watch)

Link to the Festival’s website:

PS: All photos in this post were taken in York. (no filter)

PS 2: You can find my book on Amazon worldwide. Links in my little shop section. If for some reason you would prefer to get one directly for me, just send me a message.

PS 3: If you have resonated with this and are not a subscriber, please do feel free to join the tribe. There is a little subscribe button on this page.

With much love always, Natacha ??❤️???

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Beautiful Spring

“Perhaps, I can collect the seeds, once the flower has wilted…”

‘Letters from the Wound’, Natacha Dauphin

As we are mostly cooped up inside, the world outside is bursting with colour, vibrancy and fragrance. Mother Nature is doing her thing in the most ordinary and yet in the most extraordinary ways. I will never cease to be in complete awe of her talents, wisdom, courage and generosity.

For many, this lockdown and virus provide a newly acquired lens through which to look at oneself and one’s life. It is an opportunity to reevaluate what really matters, to experience how things can be different if we do not get caught in the hamster wheel, if we become more aware, and brave enough to live the life we want to live and are deserving of living.

In quietness and spaciousness there is room for expansion, recalibration and of course rebirth. Despite the difficulties, inconveniences and genuine losses a lot of us are experiencing, I do believe that if we can rise to see all this from a higher perspective and wider lens, we will observe and trust that there is a bigger shift and gift orchestrated by life itself taking place.

We could not have carried on much longer sleepwalking the way we were as a human race.

My wish is for this time to plant the seeds inside each one of us to rekindle our hearts and awaken the infinite callings of our souls.

My prayer is that we can, at last, grasp the true meaning of connection – to self, to the other, to Mother Earth, to the universe and take inspired action from a place of love, respect, honouring and celebration.

When my book ‘Letters from the Wound’ came out at the end of February, I could not foresee what was about to manifest on this planet and yet the entire book is an invitation to retune, to reestablish a connection to all that is.’Letters from the Wound’ is about coming back to what really matters and the importance of not abandoning oneself. It reminds us that we are “Divine beings having a human experience”, as a very wise person once said.

The Earth is sacred and we definitely do not own her. She is allowing us to be here. Let’s not forget and let’s start walking with more care, humility, gratitude and integrity.

We all have an active part to play. We all have our own medicine to sprinkle around with love.

It takes courage to show up in all that we are. Yet, there is no time left to pretend, there is no time left to play small.

You can be bold and gentle at the same time.

What will you do today to honour life and all that you are?

With much love, Natacha ?

PS: I took this picture by the river Ouse in York a couple of days ago.