
Exciting news

Dear All,

I hope you are transitioning as smoothly as you can into the more wintery season.What a powerful full moon and eclipse we had in the night!

As the world seems to get more and more bonkers each day, well at least on the surface, one has to be disciplined in making conscious choices regarding what to put one’s energy into and how to spend one’s precious time.

Is what I am doing, thinking, believing nourishing? Is it depleting? Have I given my inner power away or am I surrendering to a higher level of flow, focus and fierceness?

Am I shrinking or puffing myself up? ( both clever coping mechanism). Or am I standing in my truth and authenticity?

Am I responding with kindness in my heart towards myself, towards others and towards Mother Earth or seeing and relating through the lens of fear and judgement?

Am I leaving room for play, exploration, wonder and magic or being driven by the illusion that filling my time with doing doing doing will give me the feeling of being enough and worthy of love, of joy – forgetting that just being me makes me worthy of love.

I have come to the conclusion that a lot of this comes down to how aware I am and how connected am I, in this moment, to myself, nature and the universe?

So apart from a lot of reflecting and journaling, as always haha, one of the things I have been doing, after getting the nudge from spirit that now was the time, is to create various offerings for you and to present them to you online on a pretty page – because I like pretty pages!

After finishing running the voice programme I created and led, I started working behind the scenes on this project. As a result, exciting shifts have been made on this platform. You can now find a page called Offerings with some delicious options, bundles and opportunities to work with me if your soul is so called to.

I am here, available, to walk part of the journey with you.

Do go and check out the page. It even has buttons on it and a calendar to book a free chat with me if you have any questions.

I hope you will enjoy navigating through them.

Feel free to tell your friends and share the link to my website.

The light always shines somewhere…

With tons of love, as always,

Natacha x