Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Hibernation time is coming to an end…

Wonderful Angel in the woods near Mother Shipton’s cave, Knaresborough.

It has been such a long time since I sat down to write here. I have thought of it many times and it never felt quite right. What was there really to share?…

The past few months have been full on and empty at the same time. This particular and odd combination asked for solitude, a notebook and pen rather than a computer screen and keyboard ready to share instantly.

The last time you read something from me here was when I shared my crowdfunding campaign with you. I am now delighted to say that after a bit of a tortuous road my first book ‘Letters from the Wound’ is about to come out. You will be able to buy it from amazon anywhere in the world and I even created a little shop section here which hopefully I can set up with links to buy the book and perhaps in time, other treats I have been planning out. ;o)

Last summer was rough. Looking after my mom who had several falls and desperately wanted to die, dealing with all the practical matters as well as the emotional ones and then of course accompanying her to the other side end of September left me completely exhausted and drained.

So I listened.

I listened deeply to what I needed and wanted – perhaps like I had never listened before.

And I listened – more; deeply; longer; again – until I could finally hear.




Letting go of heaviness, weight, burdens, pressure.

Allowing the layers to peel off and fall, organically, in their own time, without forcing anything, without resisting, without fighting





And I listened.

And I felt.

I surrendered to all there was to feel and be felt, without judgement, shame, fear or drama. I embraced it all and was given the gift of grace and courage to walk my path in true authenticity, gratitude and love for myself and for life itself.

And now, as my book is ready to spread it’s wings far and wide, I too am ready to fly back into the world of conscious sharing, connecting and creating together.

See you there x

Have a look in my little shop ;o)