Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Full Moon and Radio Show

Dear Friends,

The light will always pierce through one way or another and the ant, dedicated and patient builder is there to remind us that endurance is a strength and does pay off. (see photo)

I do hope that despite the strange times we are living in, this post finds you and your loved ones safe and well.

I am not sure how things will evolve but what I do know is that we are all trying to do our best and however you are feeling, it is OK.

Please be kind to yourself and do not judge the way you are dealing with this crisis.

Just know that this too will pass and that in the end, we do have the power to make the world we are living in a better and more harmonious place.

Dream your vision and your version of a world with more equality, respect and love into being – each day.

Put the intention out there.

Trust and have faith.

Take inspired action when possible.

Just over a month ago I was fortunate enough to be a guest on the Arts Show hosted by Miles Salter on JORVIK RADIO. It was probably one of the last in-person events either of us attended!

We talked about my book ‘Letters from the Wound’ of course, but also about healing, creativity, music, life and my belief that we always have a choice whether to get caught in victim mentality or to rise to a fuller and truer version of ourselves.

This does not mean that we must negate the challenges and difficult feelings. On the contrary, this means that we must feel, grieve, cry, howl; whatever we need to do in order to process, digest, transmute, alchemise and integrate ….

This journey will enable us to dive deeper into unconditional acceptance of self and therefore of what is, without giving in to what does not resonate or feel right.

From that place of compassion for our life and being, we can have the courage and buoyancy to rise back up from the chaos and muddy waters with more ease and grace.

Here is a link if you would like to have a listen. Ignore the first minute of outdated news!!! My interview lasts about 30 minutes, it is cut up into different sections throughout the 1 hour programme:

The last super moon of 2020 has been truly magical this month; so bright and strong, reminding us that life carries on, that there is more to our reality than we usually pay attention to and that all things are cyclical and constantly evolving. May we let go of what no longer serves us and make room for what we would like to attract, create and manifest in our lives.

We are blessed beyond measure to share this life on such a beautiful planet with all living beings and to be a part of such an extraordinary universe with all its mysteries and miracles.

For this, I am deeply grateful.

I am currently working on what I call my ‘Sound Diaries’. More to come about this when more has been revealed to me !!!

With all my love always,

Natacha x

Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

Funding Campaign until end of August

Well this has been quite a summer so far and I haven’t managed to write here as regularly as I had anticipated.

It seems important, however late this is, to say that I have been running a funding campaign to publish my 3 books of poems, affirmations, incantations, prayers, inspirations or whatever you may call them! Well actually, life had other plans for me and although I did put a lot of time, effort and energy into my campaign initially, I had to surrender to some extent, and let it run itself.

I am so deeply grateful and touched by people’s support, love and generosity. Isn’t it amazing how as human beings, we can and will help other people’s dreams and visions come true…

In these challenging times, when the Earth is crying, when politics show little integrity and personal circumstances are not the easiest, it is important to remember that as human beings we are capable of beautiful things.

Here is the link to my campaign if you would like to contribute, choose a gift or just have a look. You will find more about the journey of the 3 books, the perks I am offering and – you will meet Georgia in the video.

With much love, always, Natacha x