Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Find your Voice and the Courage to use it’

I am so happy to announce that my 6 week online programme ‘Find your voice and the courage to use it – Your journey back from a fragmented self’ has now been birthed and will start on the 21 September 2020.

This programme’s purpose is to remind you that you are the co-creator of your life, that you have all it takes inside of you right now to live your wildest dreams and your best life. 

Sometimes it just takes that extra commitment to the journey in order to realise first hand that with love, dedication, patience and trust you can overcome any fear, barrier, limiting belief and step into the YOU you have come here to be and the life you have come here LIVE.

You do not have to be a victim of your past or a slave to outdated, broken strategies and burdens you have carried for far too long (whether from this life time, another lifetime or even through your ancestral lineage). If you have felt stuck, lost, heavy, you can choose NOW to take a step towards your new life, towards your authentic, vibrant self. 

This 6 week intensive programme is here to hold the space for you to safely shed, heal, explore, create and realign with your unique energy flow and frequency.

‘Finding Your Voice and the Courage to Use It’ is about retrieving, reclaiming, reconnecting with who you are, why you are here and finding the courage to fully actualise this in your everyday life.

It is not something to learn and put on a shelf, it is something to experience and carry on living.

I will be there to remind you how to tune into your body’s wisdom, your breath’s gift of healing, your soul’s calling, your heart’s desires, your voice’s power and playfulness. I will not give you a magic pill or try and fix you for I believe you need to walk your own path and you are not broken. I will guide you towards getting back to wholeness and to finding that state again, on your own, when you happen lose it. You do the work. I am merely here to hold the space.

Who is the programme for?

‘Finding your Voice’ is for anyone who has abandoned themselves and is wanting a safe and courageous space to take steps towards remembering, reconnecting, retrieving and reclaiming.

It is for anyone who is willing to show up, commit, do the work and implement the tools and findings in their life on a daily basis.

This is not a programme to acquire knowledge, it is a ‘hands on’ journey of exploration and integration of your heart, body, mind, soul and spirit. Your voice being a mirror, a channel, a bridge.

It is created to help you find peace and thrive.

For those who feel they haven’t had a voice.

For those who feel they have lost it.

For those who feel it was stolen from them.

For those who have a burning desire to express.

This is for you.

What do you have to say?

How would you use your voice if it didn’t feel stuck, blocked, too small, too loud?

How would you express yourself if you weren’t scared of being judged, ridiculed?

Which stories are you keeping buried inside that are eating you up?

Which stories are you playing over and over in your head that are keeping you stuck?

Which battlefield do you choose to raise your voice on? 

Which values do you resonate with and would like to defend?

How would you like your voice to be heard?

I am only opening up 8 spaces for this programme.

Contact me via email if you are interested or have any questions.

With much love always,
