Songs videos Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

‘Flow, Feel, Fly’ – original song video & more!


I survived my first official dislike on youtube! Hurray !!!

And you know what, it wasn’t that bad. It was quite funny actually to observe myself and see how my brain was trying to make sense of this small ‘INconvenience’!

Going through the full spectrum of thoughts in just a few seconds:

-Shock : ‘Oh NOOOO someone must really hate my song and video so much that they go to the trouble of pushing the dislike button…”

-Self criticism: “You must be shit at this Natacha, definitely not good enough… Who do you think you are posting stuff on here?” Etc…

-Disbelief/attempt to feel OK about it: “Hang on a minute, someone must have pushed that dislike button by mistake while trying to push the like button on the small screen of their phone. That would explain it.”

-Looking for whys: “They probably have issues, childhood traumas blablabla…”

But really… what it comes down to is: Someone just didn’t like what I created. And so what!?

I am relieved I could genuinely witness myself and laugh at the whole thing. I now know at a deeper level that fear will not stop me from showing up and that I will never compromise on being myself no matter what people think – which you have to admit is a pretty big revelation for such a small ‘thumb down’?

This gives me hope and wings for the future. The truth is, when you put yourself out there, you are going to push people’s buttons, you are going to be disliked. And that is totally fine.

I am happy that the reasons why you would go and judge someone else’s creation with negativity are beyond me and that I would rather put my energy into creating something, supporting someone’s gifts than putting someone else’s offerings down. Unfortunately there is a lot of this destructive kind of behaviour (to much bigger degrees) in this world.  Because let’s face it, as people, we can be a bit screwed up.

But what I do know is that there are more kind, caring, supportive people than the ones who will spend their time judging and criticising your brave creative input in this world.

So here is THE song video.

You can read the lyrics and more about the song and video once you click on it – and see the text below the video on youtube ;o)

What are you going to put out into this wild world today?

With much love, as always

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