Uncategorized Wonders, Wanderings & Writings

I did my first podcast!!!

‘Letters from the Wound’ has been out in the world for 2 weeks now!

I finally got my author’s copies and was able to send the books off to my lovely crowdfunding campaign supporters today. I so enjoyed signing them, wrapping them and filling them with lots of love and good wishes as they got put into the big post office bag!

In the meantime I seem to have done a podcast with the lovely Graeme Smith from York Calling. We talked about singing therapy, life, the importance of claiming your power back and not abandoning yourself, my future French album and of course my book!

Here is a link to an article Graeme wrote and another of the podcast itself. My bit starts around 5 mins 10 in.

Hope you enjoy them.

If you could like a copy of the book, head to ‘My little shop’ and you will find the Amazon links. If you are boycotting amazon, get in touch and you can get a copy through me !

By Natacha

This is me, excited to capture the mysteries, wonders of life through song, photo, video, writings - trying my best not to put them in a cage. Embracing darkness - for at her heart lie profound gifts, and allowing the light to shine through - for even in the most challenging moments, the flame is always lit.
I am French with Italian, Portuguese, Narragansett and probably a lot more of other spices blood!
l presently live in the UK where I work as a voice/singing teacher and therapist.
All songs, photos, writings, videos on this blog 'created' by myself unless otherwise stated.